PBL in IB Middle Years Programme: Academic Knowledge for Principled Action

The IB Middle Years Programme, or the MYP is intended to help the comprehensive development of young people from 11 to 16 years old. IB teaches character, service and academics. PBL integrates seamlessly into the MYP framework, especially unit planning, regardless of discipline or age group. The chart below shows how the important factors correspond to the characteristics of the IB MYP.

We must equip students to be successful in a changing world. True PBL involves various knowledge and skills to inform project design and implementation. Key and related ideas, subject-specific objectives and Approaches to Learning (ATL) skills enable MYP students to begin a journey guided by a comprehensive set of learning objectives.

A child’s curiosity stems from a drive to achieve more. Create, test, observe, retest and push the envelope; Independent exhibition and development agency. The MYP unit planner includes factual, conceptual and controversial questions to help students understand the themes and context of the unit.

Global settings help MYP teachers create the ‘why’ of the PBL. MYP science teachers can emphasize globalization and sustainability to help students understand climate change.

Student choice
Students want to be heard and involved in options and procedures. High-quality projects in an MYP class give students a sense of ownership, whether through teaching and learning activities or through creative interpretation of a GRASPS assessment problem.

PBL encourages meaningful assessment of learning. This may encourage MYP students to generate new study topics or realize the need for more feedback.

IB Middle Years Programme projects allow students to get feedback from their peers and from the teacher. MYP subject area rubrics increase student self-assessment on performance tasks.

Commitment, purpose and connection
PBL connects student learning to the real world. The MYP Community Project and Personal Project illustrate this involvement. Service learning (Community Project) and principled action (Personal Project) drive these pillars of PBL.

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